Sound It Out


Episode Summary

Today we’re exploring the word “normal.” What does normal mean to you?

Episode Notes

Today we’re exploring the word “normal.” What does normal mean to you?

Do you have a word you’d like us to consider for a future episode? Email us at And check out other podcasts made for kids just like you by visiting

Episode Transcription

SIO, Ep 04




Hi! My name is Catherine Petru, but you can call me Cat, and you’re listening to Sound It Out: A Kids Podcast About Words.


Today’s word is “normal.” Can you say that? Let’s sound it out!

What do you think normal means? What images or feelings arise when you hear the word normal?


Some say that the word normal was first used to describe a carpenter’s square. A carpenter’s square is a flat tool, kind of like a ruler, but L-shaped, that is always supposed to be a 90 degree angle, so that it always makes a perfect square.


Normal means conforming to a standard, usual, typical, expected. Sometimes normal is great. If you’re a carpenter building houses, you want to make sure they will be sturdy, and having a normal, perfect 90 degree angle will really help you do that.

Other times, the word normal can be harmful. Like if someone tells you you should act normal, they might be saying you should conform - act like everyone else. But if everyone else is being mean, why would you want to act like them?

You might even hear lots of people right now saying they wish things would go back to normal. Of course, the coronavirus pandemic is really, really hard and sad and scary. But – I wonder if the way things were before the pandemic, when things were “normal”, was really so great for all of us? What do you think?

Feel free to pause the show here, and spend some time wondering about this word, normal. You can even share your thoughts and ideas with a trusted friend or grown up.


What does normal mean to you? You can share your ideas by writing to us at

Thank you so much for exploring the word normal with me today. I’ve been your host, Cat Petru. This show is produced by me, with inspiration from my teachers and friends, and support from Matthew Winner. Our executive producer is Jelani Memory. And this show is brought to you by A Kids Podcast About. 

You can check out other podcasts made for kids just like you by visiting

And remember, words are portals! What we say, and how we say it, matters. What words do you notice today? Is there a word you’d like us to explore together? Have a grown up send us an email at Thank you, so much, for listening.