Sound It Out


Episode Summary

Today we’re exploring the word “imagination.” What does imagination mean to you?

Episode Notes

Today we’re exploring the word “imagination.” What does imagination mean to you?

Do you have a word you’d like us to consider for a future episode? Email us at And check out other podcasts made for kids just like you by visiting

Episode Transcription

SIO, Ep 15



Hi! My name is Cat Petru, and you’re listening to Sound It Out: A Kids Podcast About Words.


Today’s word is “imagination.”

What do you think imagination means? What images or feelings arise when you hear the word imagination?


Can you picture yourself flying? Fluffy clouds drift past you like soft mountain peaks. The sun is warm on your face. You feel something on your back and realize you have wings! Your muscles bend and flex as you flap your wings, soaring after birds migrating in the sky.

Could you feel it? That’s using your imagination!


Actor and teacher, LeVar Burton, wrote A Kids Book About Imagination! He says imagination is asking the question, “What if?”

What if you could talk to animals?

What if homework was optional?

What if racism didn’t exist?

What if everyone you cared about felt safe and loved?

LeVar says, “Imagination is the power to dream up the world the way you’d like it to be. Thinking up not just what is, but what could be.”

What sort of future can you imagine?


What does imagination mean to you? Write us at to share your ideas. And join us tomorrow, for another word!

I’ve been your host, Cat Petru. This show is produced by me, with inspiration from my teachers and friends, and support from Matthew Winner. Our executive producer is Jelani Memory. And this show is brought to you by A Kids Podcast About. 

You can check out other podcasts made for kids just like you by visiting

What words do you notice today? Send us an email at to share words you’d like to explore together!