Sound It Out


Episode Summary

Today we’re exploring the word “illuminate.” What does illuminate mean to you?

Episode Notes

Today we’re exploring the word “illuminate.” What does illuminate mean to you?

Shout out to Liberation Spring for seeding inspiration for this episode

Do you have a word you’d like us to consider for a future episode? Email us at And check out other podcasts made for kids just like you by visiting

Episode Transcription

SIO, Ep 06



Hi! My name is Catherine Petru, but you can call me Cat, and you’re listening to Sound It Out: A Kids Podcast About Words.

Here, we get to explore words — what they sound like, where they come from, how they make us feel, and how they illuminate our world - illuminate, what a beautiful word!

Words are like little portals - they give us clues about the cultures that surround us.

I’m so excited to be on this adventure with you. I can’t wait to find out what we’ll learn together.


Today’s word is… Illuminate! Let’s sound it out. Il-lum-in-ate.

What do you think illuminate means? What images or feelings arise when you hear the word illuminate?


When I hear this word I think of a magic spell… Are any of you Harry Potter fans? Can you guess which spell I’m thinking of…?


Illuminate, lumos… what do these words have in common? The sound “lum.” In Latin “lumin” means light. 

Do you remember what happens when Harry or Hermione casts the spell “Lumos”? 

A light comes out of their wandtip, illuminating the space around them! What else shines light? 

The sun, the moon, the stars, fire, lightning bugs! Those are some of my favorite.


So, what do I mean when I say that words illuminate our world? Do I mean that words shine light?

Well, words help us see the world in new or deeper ways. Like a kaleidoscope, with each word we can perceive life from a different angle, and learn something new.

Imagine that every word is a spell. And every time we hear or share a word that lights us up, we are growing what we know, together.

Maybe you’re a witch or wizard and you happen to have your wand. If not, let’s all pretend we’re holding a magic wand. On the count of 3, will you raise your wands with me and try out this word “illuminate.” Ready? 1…2…3 “Illuminate!”


What does illuminate mean to you? You can share your ideas by writing to us at

I’ve been your host, Cat Petru. Shout out to Liberation Spring for seeding inspiration for this episode. This show is produced by me with support from Matthew Winner. Our executive producer is Jelani Memory. And this show is brought to you by A Kids Podcast About. 

You can check out other podcasts made for kids just like you by visiting

And remember, words are portals… and magic spells. What we say, and how we say it, matters. What words do you notice today? Is there a word you’d like us to explore together? Have a grown up send us an email at Thank you, so much, for listening.